9 September, 2019

Estamp Corporate Games Terrassa

Next 13, 14 and 15 September, the Corporate Games will be held in Terrassa (Spain), and Estamp is looking forward to taking part in this fantastic sports, social, cultural and corporate event.

The Corporate Games Terrassa 2019 event is the first games event of this type to be held in Catalonia, and is certain to be the most relevant sports and social event in our city in recent years.

Some 50 athletes from Estamp will be taking part in sports such as football, tennis, cycling and mountain biking, padel, badminton, swimming, chess and basketball, with the aim of promoting  team spirit and social responsibility among all our staff, and above all, having fun!

The games are organised by Sport for Life, the company that promotes the Corporate Games, which is based in London and offers global coverage of the Corporate Games. Its philosophy is to bring corporate culture closer to as many companies and cities as possible from all parts of the globe through sport.

When companies do sport, sport makes companies!

The best of luck, Estampers!

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