Implementation of virtual simulation technologies

Neklar has developed the project Implementation of simulation technologies as a tool for the design of a PEM fuel cell that was funded with the support of ACCIÓ in the framework of the program Cupons Indústria 4.0: Assessorament en implantació.

The project consisted of the assessment in the implementation of virtual simulation technologies using the finite elements method, allowing a significant reduction in development time and costs, in the development process of new and innovative products in the hydrogen field.

PEM fuel cells will play a key role in the adoption of hydrogen as a zero-carbon alternative in applications that are very difficult and unpractical to electrify with batteries. Metal sheet bipolar plates are the first choice where high-power density and sturdiness are the main drivers when designing a PEM fuel cell.

The design of a bipolar plate is a delicate balance where very small features must be coined into a thin sheet of metal with a great accuracy. Simulation technologies are key to aid in the development phase to assure the best performance possible of the part while the manufacturability is assured.

The procedures and techniques developed in the project will help Neklar in the development of bipolar plates and in the design of the tools to produce them.

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