6 October, 2023

SDG Flag Campaign 2023

At Neklar, we are committed to sustainability and corporate responsibility. As part of our commitment to contribute to a more sustainable future aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, we are proud to announce that we have joined the global initiative #ODSporbandera, promoted by the UN Global Compact.

This year, during the XII edition of our International Meeting, we decided to raise the SDG flag together. This gesture symbolizes our unity and commitment in the quest for a more sustainable world.

#ODSporbandera is an initiative that represents a collective commitment to a better future. It involves us, individually and collectively, as businesses, institutions, and citizens, in the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals. Each SDG addresses crucial global challenges, from poverty eradication to climate action, and covers a wide range of issues such as education, gender equality and environmental sustainability.

We consider it essential to take concrete action to address the global challenges facing our planet. We believe that sustainability is not only a duty, but also an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.

Click here to check out our sustainability practices.

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