Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 06 Junio 2021

Estamp joins World Environment Day

Tomorrow, 5th June 2021 is World Environment Day and it is a good day to reaffirm the commitment of the Estamp Group to the protection of our environment, a fundamental aspect in guaranteeing the future of the planet.

Our commitment to the environment and sustainable development is reflected in our everyday lives, continually improving environmental performance under the guidelines of our ISO 14.001 management systems, reducing waste generation, preventing pollution of any kind, using natural resources responsibly and boosting energy efficiency and the circular economy as a means of reducing our carbon footprint. To this end, we design and manufacture products with low environmental impact and with a high level of recyclability at the end of their life, which facilitates cleaner and sustainable mobility.

The main theme of this year is the restoration of ecosystems, something on which we can all work together through small daily actions or simple changes in habits, as you can see in the following guide.


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