14 March, 2023
Estamp has participated the last week in Tria Futur, the training and vocational guidance fair in Terrassa (Spain). An initiative that has emerged to offer the public, and especially students aged 16 and over, a space to help them choose between their options for the future.
The fair was grouped into three value chains representative of the city: industry (where we are located regarding our commitment of sustainable development), services and audiovisual. We brought some pieces of e-Mobility to be able to interact with the students, and we participated in the round table, presented by the City Councilor for Education, to discuss topics, such as which generic and which specific skills a company prioritizes in hiring a person, how selection processes work…
Why has Estamp been involved in guidance?
It is everyone’s task for students to get to know the world of work firsthand before making the first decisions about their academic and professional future. This will help broaden their expectations and help them achieve better results in their future career paths. We encourage the STEAM professions (Science, Technology, Statistics, Arts and Mathematics), currently very masculinised, but with many job opportunities.
The professional expectations of adolescents in Spain are reduced, on average, to 10 professions, most with little projection for the future. The reality is that there are endless other opportunities!

Terrassa Tria Futur fair