18 October, 2022

Estamp awarded the Ford Q1 certification

We are pleased to communicate that we have been awarded with Q1 certificate from Ford Motor Company in Estamp Terrassa (Spain) and Estamp Zlaté Moravce (Slovakia) factories. The Q1 Certification is awarded to Ford suppliers who demonstrate the excellence beyond ISO/TS certification requirements in different areas: capable systems, continuous improvement, ongoing performance, superior manufacturing process and customer satisfaction.

We are proud to be granted with the certification of our factories in accordance with the Q1 certification requirements because of long term and intensive endeavors and to be able to have the justified pride of displaying our Q1 plaque at our Zlaté Moravce plant, as a symbol of our accomplishment and dedication to quality.

For this reason, this award drives us to continue innovating in our processes to ensure quality in every step we take, in order to respond with certainty to the needs of the market.

Ford Q1 certification award ceremony Zlaté Moravce (Slovakia)



Ford Q1 certification award ceremony

Ford Q1 certification award ceremony Terrassa (Spain)

Ford Q1 certification award ceremony

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