Today, there are still nearly 55 million adults who do not have basic reading and writing skills in Europe. This not only makes it difficult for them to find a job, but also increases the risk of poverty and social exclusion. Opportunities for cultural and political participation and lifelong learning are limited.
In support of this cause, Estamp took part once again along with the Fundació Servei Solidari, helping to change the lives of these people, creating a Recicla Cultura point and collecting funds to provide literacy and language integration to those people who are at risk of Social Exclusion.
During Sant Jordi day in 2016 a book collection was organized by the workers of the company and then the books were offered again in exchange for an honorific cost in aide of this social collaboration. Likewise we collaborated with the Fundación Fupar offering them the funds collected by selling roses on such a significant day as the day of Sant Jordi.