9 October, 2018
Estamp is taking part in the RIS3CAT IGNITE programme, thanks to co-funding by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund, as part of the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme for Catalonia.
RIS3CAT (Research and Innovation Strategy for the Smart Specialisation of Catalonia), driven by the Catalan Government through ACCIÓ (Agency for Business Competitiveness), sets out the framework from which the Government develops measures and R&D+i programmes for the 2014-2020 period and supports the creation and development of innovative projects, such as the IGNITE project.
The Catalan Government is setting aside 24 million euros to support 32 innovation and R&D macroprojects, by accrediting six new RIS3CAT communities – a total of 182 companies, technology centres, universities and R&D staff (involving 1,600 professionals). Thanks to this support, 73.7 million euros will be invested to develop transformation projects of high economic impact: 3D printing, connected mobility, Industry 4.0, advanced manufacturing, food production and water.
Within these communities, Estamp is firmly establishing its participation in the Community of Future Industries. The group is coordinated by the EURECAT technology centre, which aims to promote advanced manufacturing techniques by applying information and communication technologies, favouring more efficient and flexible production environments.
The IGNITE project aims to research, design and develop an efficient, flexible, standard and secure information-exchange architecture, taking into account ubiquitous integration solutions within the various parts of the industrial value chain: devices (machines and/or sensors), monitoring and control systems (PLCs and SCADAs), management systems (ERP, MES, PLM, etc.) and operating systems.
Buenas tardes,
Me pongo en contacto con vosotros porque me gustaría cotizar unas piezas en acero galvanizado o inox, para que me hicieran un presupuesto.
Les agradecería que me facilitaran un email de contacto y así poderle enviar las piezas en plano, para que me puedan hacer presupuesto, con una estimación de volumen de piezas.
Muchas gracias y un saludo.
Cristian Lara Anaya
Buenos días Cristian,
Antes de nada, gracias por contactarnos. Por favor, escribirnos en commercial@estamp.es.
¡Un saludo!