Every year, a Vocational Training (VT) event is held in the city of Terrassa (Barcelona). At this 15th edition, special attention was paid to Dual Vocational Training to mark the 5th anniversary of its implementation in Catalonia.

The event was held last 7 September at the Music Auditorium in Terrassa, and Estamp had the opportunity to participate in this debate. Roser Balagué, Estamp Global HR Manager, took part as a speaker by explaining the support that our company gives to vocational training initiatives of this type.

“This was an interesting networking event organised by training centres and companies, which presented their experiences in aspects related to Dual Vocational Training, the new mode in which training centres and companies are jointly responsible for training students; the training is imparted at the training centre and also in the company.” –Roser Balagué, Estamp Global HR Manager.

Since 2013, Estamp has played an active part in this new dual training model, and has already trained 16 students, making it possible for them to combine their studies in training centres with on-the-job training on our premises.


Roser Balagué, Estamp Global HR Manager, speaking at the 15th event on Vocational Training in Terrassa

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