Time flies! It seems only yesterday that we were celebrating our 30th anniversary. Since then, there have been numerous positive changes to our business environment. The 35th anniversary of the [...]
The automotive industry is working for cleaner mobility: greater energy efficiency, lower emissions and greater energy diversity. Estamp is deeply committed to meeting this challenge by [...]
Last week, senior management and other key personnel from China, Germany, Mexico, Slovakia, Spain, and the UK met in Terrassa, Spain for the 8th annual Estamp International Management Meeting.
Ever since it was first set up the Estamp Group has been fully committed to the highest ethical standards and to complying with all the legislation and standards applicable to it, whether in [...]
Yesterday, 14 June 2018, all the group factories reached an agreement to celebrate ESTAMP WORLD DAY. Based on the slogan “We run Estamp” (#WeRunEstamp), Estamp employees took centre stage and [...]
Last 24 May 2018, Estamp attended the 25th edition of the International Engineering Trade Fair of machinery, tools, equipment and technologies. The event lasted four days and was held from 22 to [...]
Estamp is grateful to have been acknowledged for its overall performance and outstanding results, by receiving the 2017 “BEST SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE IN DEVELOPMENT” award.