29 mayo, 2024

Neklar celebrates its 40th anniversary

The Catalan company commemorates its four decades of evolution in a corporate event with authorities, entities, its team and family.

Neklar (Estamp’s new trade name) has celebrated 40 years of history so far this year.  4 decades of history, of teamwork, of evolution. And to celebrate it, the last Thursday May 23rd at 7 pm, the corporate event was held at the new headquarters of Prodis in Terrassa plant (Neklar Spain).

Dedicated to the manufacture of products based on metal stamping in the automotive sector, Neklar celebrates 40 years of commitment to innovation, quality, sustainability and people, thus becoming a benchmark within the automotive industry, thanks to its history and contribution to the economic and social development of the city.

Corporate event

Under the slogan «Celebrating four decades of evolution together», the presenter Xavi Coral (Catalan television journalist and presenter) was chosen to lead the corporate event, which was attended by more than 350 people, including authorities, organizations, employees and family.

«I can say that the strength of the company is founded with an almost unhealthy customer focus . This would be impossible without the great human and professional quality of the teams that collaborate directly and indirectly with customers and suppliers, it means all of you» said Mr. Pere Amat, Managing Director of Neklar.

For his part, Mr. Santi Giles, Neklar’s CEO, highlighted the company’s pride: » We are very proud of the road we have traveled and the achievements we have made, but we are not satisfied, the road continues and we know that we cannot relax. We are living in a time of great change, technological revolution and transition to sustainable mobility,» he said.

The most emotional moment took place during the video tribute to Mr. Antoni Amat, founder of Neklar. A journey through his childhood, adolescence and professional career, highlighting his vision of the future, tenacity, experience and leadership skills. Thus he turned an idea into reality and created his own company.

The corporate event also had a big surprise, as Xavi Coral let all attendees know: «The history of Neklar is written thanks to the effort, talent and dedication of everyone, from the beginning to today and tomorrow. That’s why today we want to take a journey through Neklar’s history in a different way.»

Artist Borja Sand Art drew Neklar’s story live through sand. A visual spectacle with which all the guests lived a unique and surprising experience.

Relational cocktail

The anniversary ended with a relational cocktail party both outdoors and indoors, accompanied by live music. It was the perfect moment to enjoy, share anecdotes and continue strengthening Neklar with alliances and networking. An unforgettable meeting to celebrate the company’s 40th anniversary.

HQ 40 anniversary video

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